Which Of The Following Would Not Be A Good Topic For A Compare And Contrast Essay Apex
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Comparing Christian Vs. Baptism - 1013 Words
Comparing Lutheran vs Baptism Lutherans and Baptists are both Christians who are also Protestants. They share many beliefs and have more similarities than differences. Both happen to be reformists within the fold of Christianity. However, there are many different branches of Baptists with differences between them too. In Lutheran, baptism is seen as a work of God and so even infants are baptized. On the other hand, baptism is only for believers among Baptists, and this is the reason why infants are not baptized in Baptists. Lutherans are the first of the major denominations that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in a bid to reform it from some practices and doctrines that had no or little justification. The Christian community, though centered in salvation through Jesus Christ, has been divided into sub-sects, with some differences in their teachings, doctrine and ceremonial celebrations. Two of the most commonly misconstrued sects would be the Lutheran and the Baptism Churches. As mentioned, both religions believe in and worship the same God, refer to the same Bible and hold communal gatherings to celebrate their faith. The principal dissimilarity is their doctrines and preaching/teaching methods. There are differences in their ceremonies, too, particularly in the manner in which Holy Communion is administered and the over-all formality of the worship service. The following comparison would affirm that Lutherans are more sacramentarian in theology and worship, whileShow MoreRelatedThree Religio ns : One God1467 Words  | 6 PagesJesus Christ, and those who practice these teachings are called Christians. It is the most popular religion in the world with over 2 billion adherents. Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century C.E and it is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible, including both the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament), and the New Testament. Traditional Christian beliefs include the belief in the one and only true God, whoRead MoreChristianity vs Buddhism923 Words  | 4 Pagesmany different religious denominations, but they focus on the same teaching. The basic groups that teaching come form would be Baptist, Catholic, and Christianity. My pastor is Catholic, but the group I focus myself is Christianity. Christianity/Christian is the professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life teaching of Jesus (2003). Know Buddhism is more kn owledgeable across the world and meaning is simple and straight to the point. Buddhism is the teaching of BuddhaRead MoreBuddhism : Buddhism Vs. Christianity1247 Words  | 5 PagesRUNNING HEAD: Journey 3 Buddhism vs. Christianity Brianna M. Stutheit George Fox University We can define rituals as repeated actions that provides us with meaning and significance. Symbols are a small unit of a ritual. Both rituals and symbols play an active role in religion. According to Clifford Geertz, religion can be defined as â€Å"a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive and long lasting moods and motivations in both men and women by formulating conceptions of generalRead MoreThe Different Goals Of Christianity1960 Words  | 8 Pages Kalei Lowsley REL 2300-Roundtree Theravada Buddhism vs. Independent Christianity â€Æ' In this essay I will be discussing the different goals of Christianity (independent) vs. Buddhism (Theravada), place of worship, beliefs, practices, founders, and the different views on human nature in each religion. Christianity, as defined in Webster Dictionary, is â€Å"the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies†Read MoreJustin Martyr Essay3085 Words  | 13 PagesThe greatest Christian Apologist and martyr, in the turn of the second century, who stood firm in defending the belief of Christianity, was the great philosopher and early Christian apologist and martyr - Justin Martyr. Justin Martyr (100-165CE), was born in Samaria, near Jacob’s well, around turn of the century in modern day Palestine. Justin was a Gentile and well educated, who has traveled extensively in search for the life’s meaning in the philosophies of his day. In Justin’s child hoodRead MoreGlobal Business Cultural Analysis South Korea7932 Words  | 32 Pagesmajor elements and dimensions of culture in South Korea. Once these elements and dimensions have been identified, it would give a clearer picture on how South Koreans integrate those elements and dimensions into their everyday business. Also, when comparing South Korean and the United States culture and business, there would naturally be implications that should be considered for US businesses that want to do business in South Korea. This research will also address those implications. The Republic
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Tale of Youth - 1709 Words
The Tale of Youth Chaucer’s Squire’s tale has often been disregarded by critics as fragmentary, incoherent, and â€Å"a rambling narrative.†(Lawton 106) These characteristics shed a malevolent light on the tale, and raise questions on the unfinished status in the Canterbury Tales. The argument presents itself due to the interruption of the narrative by the Franklin leaving it without the ending, which has been foreshadowed earlier in the tale. The answer to this enigma is â€Å"pure speculation.†(Lawton 123) In order to examine the congruity of the tale with its teller, it is imperative to set aside the argument and â€Å"let these be faults of the narrator, not the author, [with] attention duly shifting to Chaucer’s creature, the Squire,††¦show more content†¦The nobility â€Å"were indifferent to learning, and they preferred to stay that way.†(Hexter 2) Chaucer’s squire is â€Å"the ideal, the pedagogical goal towards which g entlemen†¦ direct their children.†(Hexter 3) His lack of education in literary forms would have left him less than perfect in the realm of rhetoric. He knows the tropes, and is quite familiar with occupatio, as â€Å"it guilefully takes almost as long to refuse to do something as it would to do it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Lawton 122) It must however, be remembered that he is not an experienced story teller. It can be taken, due to the incoherence of the tale, that â€Å"not only are the frequent incongruities and instability of tone to be imputed to the squire, but also the tale’s rhetoric#61630;figures, disposition, and even invention†. (Lawton 114) Much of the tale focuses on â€Å"gentilesse†and chivalry. His tale is in concordance with â€Å"the ideals of chivalry#61630;courtesy, loyalty to duty, and service to the oppressed.†(Taylor 190) The squire’s portrayal of the king Cambyuskan is in accordance to a code of standards and morals he would have learned to be appropriate to the aristocr acy and to the ruling head as well. He begins his tale by describing Cambyuskan as being â€Å"so excellent a lord in alle thyng.†(Chaucer ST 15) His depictions of the loyalty of the king to his religion and justice, his strength and charity, and his honor and benignity are true to the code ofShow MoreRelatedI grew up on the fairy tales of my parents’ youth. 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In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment†, Dr. Heidegger performs an experiment on four elderly individuals that he claims are â€Å"a little beside themselves†(Hawthorne 138) and has them drink water from the Fountain of Youth so they can become young again. He informs the participants that he is not going to drink the water and will only watch the experiment. Dr. HeideggerRead MoreSummary Of The Sleeping Beauty 1281 Words  | 6 PagesCaleb Hines Professor Allen December 7, 2014 Final Draft English 101 Oppression Through Fairy-tales By reading and analyzing Charles Perrault s The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, we can easily use the same tactics to depict Margaret Atwood s There Was Once. Both stories show how women even in classical times, were seen as poor, meek and weak and could not survive without a strong male figure to come and rescue them. 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Furthermore, earlier in the tale when Snow White is initially discovered and presumed dead, because of her beauty, the dwarves could not bring themselves to bury her and thus they persevered her in a crystal clear casket. Therefore, it is because of her beauty that Snow White is not buried alive and this teaches the reader, particularly young girls, that possessing beauty can be protective and save their lives. To add, fairy tales, although perhaps unintentionally, depict thatRead MoreWife of Bath vs. the Pardoners1251 Words  | 6 PagesCharlotte Stern Period 6 March 30,2012 Wife of Bath vs. The Pardoners Geoffery Chaucers The Canterbury Tales is an example of an extremely complicated and wondrous piece of fictional work. The main story lines plot is a contest between a diverse group of pilgrims on their way to Thomas Beckets shrine. in order to win the contest the pilgrim must tell â€Å"tales of best sentence and moost solaas,†, which means the stories must be filled with moral and entertainment to win the feast. EvenRead MoreUrban Legends Essay841 Words  | 4 Pageswithin these tales lies the attitudes and values of a community. These tales do not survive throughout the years solely on the basis of their entertainment level, but due to the fact that they reflect societys fears and anxieties. In dissecting these tales one can indefinitely find the social fallacy against females that has existed for decades, as well as the fears women have against men. However, more importantly, the values that society hold are hidden within. Throughout these tales the ideaRead More Literary Speech By Socrates1492 Words  | 6 Pagespoet’s use of imitation and violent accounts in their tales.With one tongue they all chant that moderation and justice are fair but hard and full of drudgery, while intemperance and injustice are sweet and easy to acquire, and shameful only by opinion and law†(364a). The discussion of poets continues with Glaucon and Adeimantus as they focus on the significance of education. The men question what to do about the young men are exposed to the tales of the poets, emphasizing that children especially are
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Challenges of Global Accounting-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthlep.com
Question: Discuss about the Challenges of Global Accounting. Answer: Introduction The world of business is facing a critical problem, which is affecting the works of various accounting professional across the globe. The global organization has different set of infrastructures in different of their business places. This is because of such reason accounting professionals have to work under the different kind of circumstances in different organizations. The problem is becoming more prevalent with the advent of globalization as accounting professionals are getting chances to work at different accounting platforms. This is where they feel the difference in the working nature and the infrastructure (Burns and Needles 2014). The main purpose of this assignment is to write a reflective journal on the lessons learnt from the two provided assignments such as Assignment 1 and Assignment 2. Assignment 1 is literature coverage on the subject matter whereas the assignment 2 is a research proposal on the subject topic. Usefulness of the learning process- The usefulness of the learnings that the two assignments provide is as follows: Course- The learning from both the assignments would be of high importance for me in my future course. Both the assignments have made me acquainted with the global problem of accounting, which the accounting professionals are facing (Collis and Hussey 2013). For a Business Administration student, it is important that I am familiar with the practical world. Moreover, this would further help me understand my course better as I have now some practical ideas of the subject topic as well. Program- Issues such as unfamiliarity with different accounting terms at the different firms is a constraint for the accounting students. This is because different firms use different software platform for their required task. In addition to this, different firms have different taxation rules as well (Gordon et al. 2013). Familiarity with some of the global issues would definitely help me at the global platform. Nevertheless, practical exposure along with the theoretical background is of utmost urgent for a successful career. Career- The learning of both the assignments is of high use for my career prospect. This is because I had the chance to interact with most practical terms of the global accounting. Moreover, the global accounting challenges and the acquaintance with those is a good find for my career (Okafor 2012). The educational content at the university along with the findings of the two assignments would definitely help me groom my career better. Life- A better career always provides a life, which is full of happiness and joys. The gained learning of the assignments would definitely help me attain a better life, which would have hampered if I have not gone through the literature and the research proposal. Process to acquire the information- The literature content is derivable from every trusted secondary resource such as books, journals, website articles and newspaper articles. The research proposal has used both the sources such as primary and secondary. As mentioned secondary resources are all the trusted books, journals, newspaper articles and websites. Primary resources comprises of a structured interview and an online survey (Bryman and Bell 2015). Learning from the assignments- Both the assignments have covered the global problem, which the global companies and the accounting professional are facing. The first assignment is literature coverage on the subject topic, which defines the global problem of accounting at the different working places. This is because of various software that is used across different working places (Hopper 2012). The second assignment is a research proposal that also covers the subject topic with the help of a research proposal submitted to the tutor. Both the assignments are highly informative, which has made me learn many new things. These two assignments have brought practicality in my knowledge. Moreover, these assignments have made me equipped with the practical coverage on the global accounting issues, which would further help me in my future course. Evaluation of the attached assignments- The provided assignments and the lessons learnt from it are of high importance for me. The given assignments are different in nature but cover the same topic. The first assignment is a literature review on the subject topic whereas the second assignment is a research proposal on the same topic as well. However, they differ in their approaches, as the literature review is more about the trusted secondary resources whereas the research proposal is a composite of both the primary and the secondary resources (Zikmund et al. 2013). The provided assignments are very educative, which has befitted me a lot in understanding the subject topic. The subject topic has indicated towards a globalized problem of accounting. Different software is used at the different workplace across the globe. This makes things tough for the accounting professionals to integrate with the job nature of the different working places. The different taxation rules at the different working places are another constraint o n the accounting professionals (Albu at al. 2015). Reason behind the research The reason behind the research is the broadness of the topic, which is spread across the globe. I am pursuing postgraduate course on Business Administration, which is why I picked up this topic. I just thought that this would be highly educative and knowledge imparting to me as well. Moreover, this would help me groom as a businessperson in my future ahead. Gained knowledge and its applicability- The gained knowledge is of high use in my life, as I would apply this knowledge in my course ahead. This would help me in my professional career as well. The amount of problem, which I came to know from the assignments, has widened my grab on the practical field. Moreover, I am now well versed with such knowledge, which is helpful for me in both the academic courses and the professional career. Conclusion The global accounting issue has affected various accounting professionals. The use of different software at the different organization is a concern. This is causing difficulties in integrating with the nature of work, which is different at different places. The literature review helped to understand that how to conduct an appropriate secondary research. The research proposal in addition to this has also taught on how to conduct a primary research. The chosen topic and both the assignments have high importance for my future courses and the career as well References Albu, N., Albu, C.N., Bunea, S. and Girbina, M.M., 2015. Accounting academia in emerging economies: Evolutions and challenges.International Journal of Accounting Information Management,23(2), pp.128-151. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015.Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Burns, J.O. and Needles, B.E. eds., 2014.Accounting education for the 21st century: the global challenges. Elsevier. Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013.Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan. Gordon, E.A., Greiner, A., Kohlbeck, M.J., Lin, S. and Skaife, H., 2013. Challenges and opportunities in cross-country accounting research.Accounting Horizons,27(1), pp.141-154. Hopper, T., 2012.Handbook of accounting and development. Edward Elgar Publishing. Okafor, R.G., 2012. Accounting education in Nigerian universities: challenges and prospects.Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 3 (14), 205,212. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods. Cengage Learning.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Ku Klux Klan
In this paper, there is going to be a discussion on Ku Klux Klan, in particular, whether this organization is a peaceful or it is a terrorist one. It is going to be argued that going by the present day standards and definitions, the KKK could be classified as a terrorist organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ku Klux Klan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to support this statement, the history of the Ku Klux Klan or KKK is going to be considered by looking at the activities they have constantly been engaging in over time. KKK was a secretly organized group that engaged in violent activities. The group first came up in the course of the Reconstruction period in Alabama. It carried out its operations beginning from the year 1867. According to Lutz Lutz (2009), the Ku Klux Klan is an example of an effective conservative terrorist organization (Lutz Lutz, 2009). The initial KKK and organizations of the same nature that came up under various names were prosperous in the combined struggles they undertook in assisting the white elite to recapture power over local as well as state governments â€Å"in the old Confederacy†(Lutz Lutz, 2009, p.14). It is pointed out that through employing intimidation and terror, the freed slaves as well as the Republicans were gradually excluded and effectually demoted to the political limits of the society (Chalmers, 1965). The attempts to ensure preservation of having equal rights by using the ‘criminal justice system’ did not succeed for the reason that it was not possible to get convictions. It is reported that intimidation of witnesses was carried out, and the judges did not accept to serve because they feared the risks that were involved (Chalmers, 1965). Such promotion of terror made it possible for KKK â€Å"to reserve the decisions of the Civil War as far as political control of local and state government†(L utz Lutz, 2009,. p.14).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is reported that the target of the Klan were the people who had been set free, black school teachers, the missionaries in the north and the white Republicans (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010). This group hardly carried out their terrorism activities during daytime and preferred to carry out operations in the secluded rural areas during the night. They would target a particular house and go there during the night and surround it, break the door and pull out the occupants to the backyard. They would then torment the men by beating them up and the women were sexually assaulted (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010). The KKK carried out their operations â€Å"as the military wing of Democratic Party in Alabama†(â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010, p.1). Even if a small number of Democrats engaged in praising the group publicly, a large number of the leaders of the party were the KKK members and the party renounced the brutal acts committed by the organization (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010). The main objective of this organization was to stop the Republican Party development and the group attained this objective by engaging in intimidating and beating up those people who supported the black party (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010). Taking the case in Alabama, the appearance of this group in the year 1868 contributed to an instant and considerable decrease in the number of the Republican voters. At the ‘gubernatorial election’ which took place in 1870, the KKK released â€Å"a wave of terror in such Republican-heavy counties as Greene and Sumter and kept thousands of potential voters away from the polls†(â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010, p.1). Having the support of this group, Robert B. Lindsay, who was a candidate for the Democratic Party, obtained a narrow win over the Republican candidate. During the same year, the KKK was able to help the Democratic Party to be in power again in parliament (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010, p.1). The Ku Klux Klan also engaged in opposing several social changes, which were a product of freedom that took place in Alabama. As a routine, the group engaged in forcing out the teachers in the northern schools (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010, p.1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ku Klux Klan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They also engaged in burning several churches as well as schools, which were places where people who had been freed, held their political rallies with an intention of preventing the establishing of the black political goals as well as religious and educational ones (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan in Alabama†, 2010). Later in time, the moment the â€Å"o ld elite†returned to power, the reason for the Ku Klux Klan to vanish consisted in the fact that the group was not needed anymore. The authorities of the state could now be charged with the responsibility of engaging in the maintaining the control that they had over the Blacks. Gurr points out that in a situation where the state authority did not succeed, lynchings were used to threaten the black people so that they could not go beyond the social boundaries that were put in place (Gurr, 1989). The terrorism campaign that was initiated by KKK group was perpetuated by other groups that were less formal but still carried out their activities equally effectively for a long period of time. The KKK appeared again in the year 1915 and also after the Second World War ending (Webb, 2002). When this group came up again in 1915, it remained to be anti-black the same as it had been before. However, at that particular time it was more inclined towards being an anti-foreign organization (L utz Lutz, 2009). The group was against foreign ideas and particularly those ideas that were deemed to be radical. They were also against any person who was not willing to abide by the fundamentally Protestant religious principles as well as morals which were dominant in their membership views (Chalmers, 1965, p.33). This group was not limited to the states in the south despite the fact it was most powerful in this area. In a large number of other regions, the group was effective in employing violence and terror in the enforcement of its position in order to ensure maintenance of social influence over the black people among other target groups (Webb, 2002). Using lynching as a means to attain social control received public backing among the Whites (Hofstadter, 1970). This group mostly vanished by the period the U.S engaged in the Second World War. The last form of this group appeared again after the Second World War coming to an end with the intention of responding to the struggle f or civil rights and it still engaged in the acts of terrorism (Lutz Lutz, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, it is pointed out that at this point the group could not be regarded as being a successful group because it did not succeed in achieving any of the goals it had set of continual social control as well as discrimination (Lutz Lutz, 2009). Basing on the discussion, it can be concluded and highlighted that the Ku Klux Klan was actually a terrorist organization. This is found to be true when the organization’s activities are considered basing on the present day standards as well as definitions. This organization was formed with an intention of engaging in various violent activities which were intended to terrorize some particular quarters of the American society. The organization came up and then disappeared, however, appeared again twice in the course of time. However, considering the activities they engaged in at different times in history, they were actually terrorist acts. Several authors that have been presented in this discussion kept referring to the organization as a terrorist group and none of them at any particular point referred to it as being a peaceful organization. They tortured people, raped women, burned down churches and schools among other terrorist activities. The group was against foreign ideas and particularly those deemed to be radical. This group was not limited to the states in the south even if it was most powerful in the area but also operated in a large number of other regions. The group was effective in employing violence and terror in the enforcement of the position they held in order to ensure there was maintaining of social influence on the black people, foreigners as well as radicals. References Chalmers, D. M. (1965). Hooded Americanism: The History of the Ku Klux Klan. New York: Quadrangle Books. Gurr, T. R. (1989). Political Terrorism: Historical Antecedents and Contemporary Trends. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Hofstadter, R. (1970). Reflections on Violence in the United States. New York, N.Y: Alfred A. Knopf. Ku Klux Klan in Alabama during the Reconstruction Era, (2010). Retrieved from http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-2934 Lutz, J.M. Lutz, B.J. (2009). How successful is terrorism? New York, N.Y: Forum on Public Policy. Webb, C. (2002). Politics, Society, and the Klan in Alabama, 1915-1949 by Glenn Feldman. Journal of American Studies, 36(2), 347-348. This essay on The Ku Klux Klan was written and submitted by user Corban R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Dmci Homes Application of Pert Essays
Dmci Homes Application of Pert Essays Dmci Homes Application of Pert Essay Dmci Homes Application of Pert Essay information on units and important areas within the vicinity. Assistance on transactions concerning the developer, including following up documents * Community events such as sports fests, family day, Halloween treats, Christmas party, etc. You are also able to enjoy the perks of living in a DMCI Homes community. Modern-day facilities that are standard features in the developments and which contribute to a more convenient lifestyle include: * 24-hour security service * Gated entrance and perimeter fence * Overhead water tank, deep well, and underground cistern * Covered bridge way connecting the residential building to the car park * Individual drying area at the roof deck Provision for CATV and telephone lines QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Expect efficient floor plans and high-quality structures with first-rate construction techniques in the development of all DMCI Homes projects, owing to its mother company DMCI’s 50-year c ommendable track record in the construction industry. DMCI Homes also provides one (1) year quality warranty that covers repairs, free of charge, on any workmanship defects of the unit. Fast and reliable, the companys construction of the residential buildings and turnover of units are within 6 to 12 months only. READY FOR OCCUPANCY AND MOVE-IN POLICY For as low as 20% down payment for mid-rise or 30% down payment for high-rise, a homebuyer may immediately move into his or her unit and enjoy the privileges of living in a DMCI Homes residential community, provided his or her unit is completed. Without the long wait, take pleasure in a resort living ambience right within your own backyard, or realize your condo unit’s earning potential sooner than you expected. II. Literature Review A BRIEF HISTORY OF SCHEDULING BACK TO THE FUTURE Presented at 4 6 April 2006 Hyatt, Canberra. Patrick Weaver FAICD, FCIOB, PMP. Director, Mosaic Project Services Pty Ltd Introduction The science of ‘scheduling’ as defined by Critical Path Analysis (CPA) will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2007. In 1956/57 Kelly and Walker started developing the algorithms that became the ‘Activity-on-Arrow’ or ADM scheduling methodology for DuPont. The program they developed was trialed on plant shutdowns in 1957 and their first paper on critical path scheduling was published in March 1959. The PERT system was developed at around the same time but lagged CPM by 6 to 12 months (although the term ‘critical path’ was invented by the PERT team). Later the Precedence (PDM) methodology was developed by Dr. John Fondahl in 1977 as a ‘noncomputer’ alternative to CPM. Arguably, the evolution of modern project management is a direct consequence of the need to make effective use of the data generated by the schedulers in an attempt to manage and control the critical path1. The evolution of scheduling closely tracked the development of computers. The initial systems were complex mainframe behemoths, typically taking a new scheduler many months to learn to use. These systems migrated to the ‘mini computers’ of the 1970s and 80s but remained expensive, encouraging the widespread use of manual scheduling techniques, with only the larger (or more sophisticated) organizations being able to afford a central scheduling office and the supporting computer systems. The advent of the ‘micro computer’ (ie, personal computer, or PC) changed scheduling forever. The evolution of PC based scheduling move project controls from an environment where a skilled cadre of schedulers operating expensive systems made sure the scheduling was ‘right’ (and the organization ‘owned’ the data) to a ituation where anyone could learn to drive a scheduling software package, schedules became ‘islands of data’ sitting on peoples’ desktops and the overall quality of scheduling plummeted. Current trends back to ‘Enterprise’ systems supported by PMOs seem to be redressing the balanceand offerin g the best of both worlds. From the technology perspective, information is managed centrally, but is easily available on anyone’s desktop via web enabled and networked systems. From the skills perspective PMOs are re-developing career paths for schedulers and supporting the development of scheduling standards within organizations. This paper tracks the development of scheduling (with a particular focus on Micro Planner and Primavera) and looks at the way the evolving technology has changed the way projects are scheduled and managed. In the Beginning Pre 1956 The concept of ‘scheduling’ is not new; Sun Tzu wrote about scheduling and strategy 5000 years ago from a military perspective, the pyramids are over 3000 years old, transcontinental railways have been being built for some 200 years, etc. None of these activities could have been accomplished without some form of schedule; ie, the understanding of activities and sequencing. However, whilst the managers, priests and military leaders controlling the organizations responsible for accomplishing the ‘works’ must have an appreciation of ‘scheduling’ (or at least the successful ones would have) there is little evidence of any formal processes until the 20th Centenary. Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist is credited with the developed the bar chart (Gantt Chart) in 1917 as a production control tool. In its pure form, the bar chart correlates activities and time in a graphical display allowing the timing of work to be determined but not interdependencies. Sequencing is inferred rather then shown and as a ‘hand drawn’ diagram, the early charts were a static representation of the schedule. Fig. 1 A typical Gantt chart. Milestone charts were also in regular use by the 1950s2. Major contracts were subdivided into sections with target dates set for accomplishing the work required to achieve each ‘milestone’. However, as with Gantt Charts, all of the dates and durations shown in these charts were based on heuristics (rules of thumb) and/or experience. It was possible to identify slippage but any assessment of the impact of a delay was based on a personal view of the data rather than analysis. As a consequence when schedule slippage became apparent on major contracts, the tendency was to flood the work with labor and ‘buy time’ frequently at a very high premium. Independent of the development of schedule control processes based on bar charts and milestones, work on linear programming had been going on for a number of years. This branch of mathematics looked at the cause and effect of actions on each other in situations such as the flow of traffic along a freeway. One of the mathematicians involved in this work was James E. Kelley. CPM and Kelly and Walker3 The origin of CPM can be traced back to mid 1956. E. I. du Pont de Numours (Du Pont) was looking for useful things to do with its ‘UNIVAC1’ computer (this was one of the very first computers installed in a commercial business anywhere and only the third UNIVAC machine built). Fig. 2 – An early UNIVAC Computer Du Pont’s management felt that ‘planning, estimating and scheduling’ seemed like a good use of the computer! Morgan Walker was given the job of discovering if a computer could be programmed to help. Others had started studying the problem, including other researchers within Du Pont but no one had achieved a commercially viable outcome. In the period from late 1956 through to April 1957, Walker assisted by Kelly and others had scoped a viable project. Their challenge was to solve the time-cost conundrum. They could demonstrate that in preference to flooding a project with labor to recover lost time, focusing effort on the ‘right’ tasks can reduce time without significantly increasing cost. The problem was identifying the ‘right’ tasks! Fig. 3 – The Time / Cost Curve On the 7th May 1957, a meeting in Newark Delaware committed US$226,400 to a project to develop CPM; Du Pont’s share was $167,700, Remington Rand Univac contributed $58,700. Univac had decided to help ‘to keep IBM at bay’; competition can be useful†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ but more important than the money was the people brought to the project by Univac. The Du Pont team was lead by Morgan R. Walker, key players from Univac were James E. Kelley and John Mauchly. Kelley was the mathematician and computer expert nominated by Mauchly to ‘solve the problem’ for Walker. The solution adopted by Kelley borrowed from ‘linear programming’ and used the i-j notation to describe the relationship between activities. This constrained the sequencing and made the calculations feasible (remembering the challenge was still to resolve the ‘time-cost’ trade off). This solution created a couple of significant challenges. One was gathering the data needed toload the computer model. Engineers were not used to describing work in terms of activities (tasks) with resource requirements and different costs depending on the resources deployed for a ‘normal’ duration and a ‘crashed’ duration. Gathering the data for the first CPM model took Walker over three months. The other problem was that unless you were a mathematician the concept of i-j was virtually meaningless! The ‘Activity-on-Arrow’ diagram was developed to explain the mathematics to management. Despite all of the problems, by 24th July 1957 the first analysis of the George Fischer Works schedule had been completed and the concept proven. The schedule included 61 activities, 8 timing restraints and 16 dummies. Fig. 4 A section of the George Fisher Works CPM schedule The major challenge then became reducing the number of calculations and variables to a level that could be processed in a reasonable timeframe. The estimate of the time needed to update a schedule of 150 to 300 arrows was some 350 hours of computer time per month. Some of the challenges were as basic as accessing the right computer; magnetic tapes storing the schedule data were prepared on the DuPont computers and then flown across the USA to be run on machines capable of analyzing the data. Development continued through 1958 and in March 1959 Kelley and Walker jointly presented CPM to the public at large at the Eastern Joint Computer Conference in a paper entitled ‘Critical Path Planning and Scheduling’. As with many innovations though, CPM nearly died as a concept. CPM saved DuPont 25% on their shutdowns, but they dropped the system shortly after the management team responsible for its development changed in 1959. Similarly, RemRand could see little future in the system and abandoned it! CPM as a technique was ‘saved’ by Mauchly ; Associates (including John Mauchly and Jim Kelley). Starting in 1959, they commercialized CPM, simplified the process to focus on schedule (rather than cost), organized training courses and developed an entire new way of ‘doing business’. CPM was popular but expensive – solving scheduling problems (eg loops) could cost the price of a small car! PERT and Other Systems PERT was developed independently by the US Navy Special Projects Office, Bureau of Ordnance (SP). A team comprising members of SP and consulting firm Booz, Allen and Hamilton was established in 1957 and produced its first report in July, 1958. Apart from introducing uncertainty into schedule durations, the lasting contribution the PERT teams have made to the business of scheduling was the invention of the ‘critical path’. Kelly and Walker used the name ‘main chain’ for the longest path through their schedule. By 1961, a multitude of PERT like systems had been developed including MAPS, SCANS, TOPS,PEP, TRACE, LESS and PAR. These systems were all network based and had distinguishing features of their own. PEP is particularly interesting as it was essentially ‘a connected bar chart; ie, a set of bars with links connecting the ends of related bars’5. A concept that has re-surfaced in a range of computerized scheduling tools in recent years. By 1968 PERT and CPM had emerged as the standard nomenclatures and dominant systems. Precedence Diagramming Method In 1961 John Fondahl published a report entitled ‘A Non-computer Approach to Critical Path Methods for the Construction Industry’6. This paper described the PDM system of scheduling and was offered as effective manual process to bypass the expensive computer based CPM system. The irony being PDM is now used by every computer based scheduling system, PERT has dies out completely and CPM is rarely seen and is generally only found in academic papers where the calculations are performed manually! Mainframe days†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Through to the early 1980s, to create a project schedule you either used a mini or mainframe computer system. Or drew and calculated schedules manually. Or did both; manual calculations first (to sort out problems) then pload the corrected and checked schedule to the computer. The run-time on the computer cost too much for errors! Schedulers were trained through a process of apprenticeships and mentoring; it cost too much and took too long to fix problems caused by inexperience! The consequence was the evolution of a group of project schedulers skilled in both the art and science of scheduling. H owever, as Kelley noted from the very earliest CPM training courses, there was a significant variability in the outcome for scheduling exercises caused by differing skill levels and perceptions on the trainees. The existence of scheduling departments meant the scheduling processes were standardized and the schedule data was largely ‘owned’ by the organization. Additionally, the desire of professional schedulers to exchange information and develop their skills would appear to have been the foundation for the evolution of ‘modern project management. PC systems Micro Planner Micro computers emerged in the late 1970s, machines like the Commodore and Atari were initially aimed at the enthusiast. However, by the end of the 1970s micro computers were starting to make their presence felt in the business world. One of the leaders in the business market was Apple Computer with its first ‘commercial’ PC, the Apple II being launched in 1979. The first commercial scheduling software for this class of computer was developed by Micro Planning Services in the UK. Running on the Apple II Micro Planner v1. 0 was released in 1980 after 14 months development, based on the ICL PERT mainframe system. The first IBM PC was launched in 1981; although the definitive IBM XT was not launched until 1983. In 1982, ‘The Planner’ is released for the 256K IBM PC and the Sirius/Victor. Windows’ type operating systems became available in 1984 (Apple Macintosh) with Microsoft’s ‘Windows v1. 0’ being launched in November ‘85. Micro Planner maintained their association with the Apple system launching graphical scheduling systems for the Apple Macintosh in 1986 and Windows in 1988; followed by the first true GUIb scheduling tool Micro Planner X-Pert in 1989. The author managed the Australian arm of the Micro Planner group from 1986 through to 1998 over this period the total annual sales of the business grew to more than $1 million. Primavera Primavera was founded in May 1983 by: Dick Faris, Joel Koppelman and Les Seskin (who owned a batch entry mainframe scheduling system). Today Primavera is arguably the dominant ‘high end’ project scheduling tool worldwide. But where did the name come from? Focusing on the then ‘mainstream’ DOS operating system, Primavera shot to prominence with the release of a 10,000 activity capable system in the late 1980s and has maintained its position as ‘market leader’ with a steady flow of innovative developments. The Changing Industry During the 1970s, the arrival of powerful project scheduling systems running on ‘Mini Computers’ caused the first major change. The lower operating cost of systems such as MAPPS on Wang and Artemis on HP and DEC hardware caused the rapid demise of mainframe scheduling systems. Apart from a few legacy systems the era of the mainframe was over by the mid 1980s. The ‘mini systems’ retained many of the characteristics of the mainframes though and required skilled schedulers to make efficient use of them. From the perspective of the people working as schedulers all that changed was the hardware and maybe the software vendor. The rapid spread of relatively cheap, easy-to-use’ PCs in the latter half of the 1980s spawned dozens (if not hundreds) of PC based scheduling systems including TimeLine and CA Super project at the ‘low end’, and Open Plan and Primavera at the ‘high end’ of PC capability. The ‘low end’ tools spread the availability of scheduling systems to a very wide audience and allowed everyone access to cheap computer based scheduling. This had two impacts, by the early 1990s no one was doing manual scheduling (apart maybe from a few ‘old timers’) and the number of people creating schedules on a part time, untrained basis exploded. At the same time, the increasing capability of the ‘high end’ systems annihilated the significantly more expensive mini systems. Scheduling had become a desk top PC based process. The last of the significant changes in the industry started in latter part of the 1980s and has continued through to the present time. Despite the ever increasing number of people using PC based scheduling tools; the competition in the market has driven prices down and caused a major consolidation of the industry. For many years, Microsoft Project could be bought for less than $100 per set. This decimated the ‘low end’ market. Similarly the cost of developing GUI interfaces and staying competitive in the features arms race at the ‘high end’ caused most of the system developers to move to greener pastures or simply close up shop. It is only since the start of the 21st century has this trend begun to change. The increase in the sophistication of Microsoft Project and the rise in its base cost to around $1000 has opened up the market to a number of low cost entry level tools based primarily on bar charts. There has also been an increase in the number of generally available niche systems offering enhanced; risk (eg Pertmaster), time/location and line of balance capabilities (eg DynaProjectâ„ ¢ and LinearPlus) and other functionality, that can operate stand alone or use data from and interact with the dominant systems such as Microsoft Project and Primavera. One very interesting development is a Russian tool called SPIDER. This software dynamically links time and cost (the original Kelley and Walker objective) within a managed risk profile. The loss of skills and control Prior to the 1980s Scheduling was a serious business; it used very expensive assets, required significant training and skill and was largely centralized and ‘visible’. Where manual scheduling was used, the saving in system costs was offset by the tedium of lengthy manual calculations. It simply did not pay to make mistakes! The arrival of ‘easy to use’ scheduling tools with a graphical interface radically changed the industry. Scheduling migrated to the desktop and the myth that ‘anyone’ can schedule (provided they knew how to switch on a PC) emerged. Many people learned ‘scheduling’ from using tools like Microsoft Project. There was no training or oversight and as a consequence, the average schedule is littered with ‘fixes’ allowed or encouraged by the tool. The trend has been towards a focus on computer processes and getting a schedule ‘looking right’ rather than analyzing a project to determine the appropriate duration based on appropriate resources and designing the schedule to be an effective management tool in the context of each specific project. As a direct consequence of this loss of skills, the importance of scheduling has dropped in most organizations and most projects run late! But the tide is turning†¦.. Current trends back to the future The requirement for effective ‘corporate governance’ is focusing management’s attention on project controls. The requirement for visibility, predictability and accountability of project performance can only be achieved by the introduction of effective corporate tools supported by skilled project schedulers7. The drive for visibility has been met by the arrival of powerful ‘Enterprise’ tools such as Primavera Enterprise and the suite of programs from WST including Open Plan and WelcomeHome. These integrated tools with effective data management and security ‘built in’ deliver the visibility and control needed for effective corporate governance (provided the tools are adequately supported). Additionally, the integrated nature of the tools makes project data visible and this visibility encourages enhanced quality. The drive for quality is creating a demand for skilled schedulers. This skills shortage is being helped by the spread of PMOsd and a renewed interest in scheduling training8. Many PMOs are also starting to recognize the need for, and develop skills in the ‘art’ of effective scheduling, as well as providing a home and career path for schedulers. The trend back towards a corporate view of schedule information and the requirement for skilled schedulers to operate the tools and provide effective support to project managers is being supported by the development of new standards. PMI will launch its ‘Scheduling Practice Standard’ in 2006, to augment the information in the PMBOK Guide. A longer term initiative is the work being undertaken by PMI’s College of Scheduling to develop and publish its ‘Scheduling Excellence Initiative’9. SEI is planned to develop and publish a comprehensive set of industry accepted best practices and guidelines for every aspect of project management ‘that touches a schedule, or that a schedule touches’. The consequence of these trends is that schedulers are once again in great demand around the world. The role of the scheduler is back! Conclusions The evolution of scheduling has been a fascinating journey: Kelley and Walker set out to solve the time-cost conundrum and invented CPM. For most organizations the resolution of time-cost issues is still in the ‘too hard’ basket (although SPIDER offers an interesting solution)! The PERT project invented the name ‘Critical Path’, and everyone else borrowed it. Fondahl invented a non-computer methodology for scheduling that is now used by every computer package worldwide! Whilst Kelley and Walkers CPM system was developed for computers and is now only seen as a manual technique. The changing role of the scheduler has been almost as interesting: The mainframe era saw scheduling as: o A skilled profession o Central to the success of projects The new ‘enterprise’ era sees scheduling as o A skilled profession o Central to the success of projects We have gone back to the future! III. Data and Analysis -Data Activity| Description| Predecessor| ABCDEFGHIJKLMN| Civil and StructuralFire Protection WorksMechanical WorksElectrical WorksPlumbing WorksAuxilliaryMasonry/WetworksMiscellaneous Walls ; FinishesMiscellaneousPainting WorksCeiling WorksFloor FinishesMechanical EquipmentElectrical EquipmentFire Protection EquipmentPlumbing Equipment| D, EB, C, EAAHH, IGFK, L, M| This Table shows the flow of activities in building basement 3. We were able to determine the activities by the given data. * CPM Network Crash Completion Time 9 months Crash Cost: Php 6, 197, 600. 00 Critical Path: B – G – L M IV. Conclusion This study investigates on the feasibility of project development thru the use of PERT and CPM techniques. Both aided the researchers in getting the critical path, optimum project completion time, and minimum project cost incurred after the optimum crash completion time. The critical path is the longest path of the project where it indicates the amount of time needed for the completion of the project. Thus the activities along this path must be accelerated in order to catalyze the project, On the other hand, when delays happen in these activities would cause a chain reaction of delays throughout the scheduling, etc for the rest of the project. Obtaining the optimum project completion time is done by crashing the network. Crashing the network refers to crashing a number of activities in order to reduce the duration of the project below its normal value. Based on the data obtained, this project accomplished in 13 months with a total cost Php 4, 596,400. 0. However if the project is crashed the soonest possible time is 9 months with a cost of Php 6, 197, 600. 00. V. Recommendation Though PERT and CPM considers the cost and completion time available it doesn’t really reflect how the real scheduling of a construction project is. It is only an ideal flow of activities. In current construction project activities usually starts simultaneously e. g. As soon as this first floor floor ing is done, they begin with the next floor not observing anymore the other activities to be done on first floor. Therefore the use of PERT CPM should be of initial study and not as a basis of overall scheduling of construction. VI. References Hillier and Lieberman. â€Å"Introduction to Operations Research†, Chapter 10 Project Management with PERT/CPM, 7th Edition Weaver, P. (2006) â€Å"A Brief History of Scheduling†, ; pmforum. org/library/papers/2006/A_Brief_History_of_Scheduling. pdf;. â€Å"PERT/CPM for Project Scheduling ; Management†, ;interventions. org/pertcpm. html;. â€Å"Pert Diagram and CPM†,
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Acute Health Effect Definition
Acute Health Effect Definition An acute health effect is the effect caused by the initial exposure of a hazardous chemical on a human or animal body. When a hazardous materials acute health effect is listed, the effects are generally severe and dangerous adverse effects, but subside after the exposure stops. In contrast, chronic health effects persist following exposure, even if the exposure stops. Acute health effects typically appear immediately or shortly after exposure and occur after relatively high exposure to a hazardous substance. Examples of Acute Health Effects Common examples of acute health effects include: Allergic reactions (including anaphylactic shock)IrritationRashes or dry skinBurnsDermatitisMetal fume feverLethal Concentration (LC)LC50Hearing loss Note dermatitis may also occur as a chronic health effect. Lethal concentration is the amount of a substance that is immediately dangerous to life and may cause death. LC50 is the concentration of a substance that causes death to one half or 50% of test subjects.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personality Theorist Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Personality Theorist Paper - Essay Example Of these approaches, the psychoanalysis was captures the interest of many psychologists and ordinary people because of its startling applications and implications to human behavior (Jung, 1976). The psychoanalytic school of psychology was founded by Austrian physician Sigmund Freud. The central theory of the school that unconscious motivation and desires direct human behavior. The psychoanalytic model identified three key subsystems within an individual's personality: the ego, superego and id. The interaction of these three subsystems shapes observable behavior (Atkinson, 1993, p. 534). This school of thought assumes that a person's problems cannot be fully solved without understanding the unconscious influences in a person's early relationships may have contributed to the current problem of the person (p. 674). Psychoanalysis also gave birth to new outlooks on human behavior and installed Freud as one of the most recognizable names in the field of psychology. However Freud's apparent contracted and inflexible view of libido and other human behavioral motivations, which he basically viewed as sexual in context, left some of the dissatisfied and prompted them to diverge from the Freud (Booere, 2006). Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology. He used his background on Freudian theories to explore the "inner space" of the human psyche. He involved mythology, religion, and philosophy into his studies and became an expert in mystic symbolism. He concentrated on the study of dreams and their importation and devoted himself significantly to the study and correlation of Western and Eastern philosophical beliefs (Carl Jung, 2004). Carl Gustav Jung and Analytic Psychology According to Carl Jung, "As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." (Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 1989). Carl Jung tried to find the explanation to human behavior through exploring dreams, philosophy, religion and literature (Booere, 2006). His work provided archetypes of personality and behavioral theories that is still being used today by psychologist and has influenced other fields such as humanities, mythology and theology (Carl Jung, 2004). Jung's research created the idea of the complex, or cluster of emotionally charged associations. He disagrees with Freudian theory of the pervasiveness of a sexual basis for neuroses and the pessimism on human nature and motivation (Carl Jung, 2004). Jung established analytic psychology and brought forward the concepts of the introvert and extravert personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. He also created new method for psychotherapeutic that allowed a person to know his unique "myth" or place in the collective unconscious. His work is dominated by his study of dreams, their meaning and imagination (Carl Jung, 2006). The Archetypes Jung theorized that humans have a "preconscious psychic disposition" explains why a person reacts in a specific human manner (Jung, 1966). Jung worked on the reconciliation of the individual with supra-personal archetypes and linked the archetypes to heredity and instinct. Archetype had no form of its own and functioned more as an "organizing principle" or a structural notion of psychological existence (Booere, 2006). Jung's archetypes were as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Different type of market in oil & gas industry Essay
Different type of market in oil & gas industry - Essay Example The oil price dynamics in the global market are more likely to influence by a number of key factors ranging from balance amongst supply and demand; geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions; to the transitions in exchange rates of the dominant economies across the world. In this regard, changing conditions of the global financial markets has also been witnessed to have major influence on the oil and gas industry (Levy & Kolk, 2002). Although the continuous technological breakthrough has made the international producers and suppliers to effectively deal with the issues, but the oil and gas industry underpins major concerns for the nations in order to eliminate the prevailing challenges. This is owing to the fact that the industry is centrally driven by the wave of changing supply and demand along with the unabated financial challenges of the global nations (Sadorsky, 2001). The study emphasises on the key challenges and increasing numbers of threats from the different market challenges. In this context, the study aims to conduct a critical evaluation of the current oil and gas industry of China to determine whether the industry is monopolised by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which is one of the leading and dominant oil and gas corporations in the nation. In this essay, the discussion mainly focuses on developing relevant arguments or positions in relation to the literatures used in the previously developed articles. In order to claim appropriateness as well as validity of the research works, this essay tends to include a real example by elucidating the dominant performance of CNPC in the current oil and gas industry of China. In order to explore the market trends of the current oil and gas industry in China, the discussion critically addresses the present trend in microeconomic factors including the fashion of demand and supply in China. In addition to determine the current performance of CNPC, the discussion also incorporates a clear
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Amazing 7 Wonders of the World Essay Example for Free
Amazing 7 Wonders of the World Essay My name is Bshair, and I would like to tell you about one of the most amazing 7 wonders of the world I was given the opportunity to write about it. Not only because of the magnificent landmarks, but also because it has great history behind it, and it shows the roots of one of the most powerful empires the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is the greatest Inca masterpiece. Incredibly daring and inventive, it was built on the most difficult, wild and inaccessible mountain area available. It is known world-wide not only for its impressive and unique ruins, but also for its unusual location on the edge of an abyss, from which one can appreciate the vigorous waters of the Urubamba river. I wonder how the Incas were able to carry the huge blocks of stone to the top of the mountain, we have no evidence that they used the wheel and build such a spectacular exponent of their wisdom and culture remains a mystery to this day. Of religious and military origin, the sacred city of Machu Picchu was enclosed by a wide wall. According to the archaeologist Alfredo, Machu Picchu can be divided into two major sections (the urban and the agricultural). Each part encloses two sub sections (the western and eastern) which are defined in relation to their topographic location. The agricultural section is divided into higher and lower ground. The high ground consists of five premises, the shrine of pile of stones marking a holy site and over 40 platforms. The low ground, meanwhile, comprises seven premises, four open areas and approximately 80 platforms. Some of the numerous agricultural terraces, which are placed in succession, are connected by stone stairways fitted in the walls, while others are linked by various set of steps forming corridors. The layout of the terraces and platforms is in perfect harmony with the mountains surrounding the site. Thus, the hillsides seem to be sculpted to harmonize with nature. There are 3 primary buildings in Machu Picchu they are the Intihuatana, the temple of the sun, and the room of the three windows. All the three rooms together are called the scared district of Machu Picchu. Legend tells that when a sensitive person touches their forehead to the Intihuatana stone it opens their vision in the spirit world. Finally, I Recommend people to visit this amazing place, I’m sure that they will be amazed and they will like what they see there, i would like to visit this amazing place my self some day, because it’s Something not to be missed.
Friday, November 15, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay :: Kill Mockingbird essays
Modes of Communication in To Kill a Mockingbird  Effective communication is a result of the utilization of different techniques to convey a particular idea or perspective. Different methods used to express a person's feelings are found throughout society and aid in creating a learned individual, family, and community. In the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird, Harper Lee uses several modes of communication to display her feelings on moral, political, and social issues. Lee's tactics parallel those used by one character in her novel, Atticus Finch. In order to express his feelings to his children, Atticus uses three simple teaching devices; the use of examples, verbal statements, and learning through experience. Although Atticus uses these techniques to develop his children into positive members of society, Lee uses them to create an image for the reader that will ultimately constitute a general understanding of growing up in the south in the mid-nineteen thirties.  One of the methods of communication that Atticus Finch uses is that of an example. By providing his children with a realistic and visual model, Atticus establishes an exemplary learning environment. The most prevalent display of Atticus' utilization of examples is the one he sets himself. He makes it a common practice to live his life as he would like his children to live theirs, and thus displays the attributes of an honest, respectable, and kind man. Atticus demonstrates his character by defending Tom Robinson, a black man on trial for the rape of a white woman. Throughout the trial process, Atticus shows Jem and Scout that true courage is standing up for what you believe in and that all worthy human beings, despite their race, deserve respect. Atticus also tries to be a perfect southern gentleman, teaching Jem and Scout to have grace and compassion for all people. His treatment of Mrs. Dubose proves this characteristic. Even though Mrs. Dubose makes vicious comments and criticisms of Atticus and his children, he still manages to treat her in the kindest manner; complimenting her appearance and helping her into her chair. Atticus sets examples to teach Jem and Scout some values a good person should have. Harper Lee, however, uses examples of life in her novel to give a broader view of humankind.  In order to depict the values, attitudes, and class structures of a small southern town in the mid-nineteen thirties, Harper Lee created various examples.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Museum Of Fine Arts Boston Essay
A flaw inherent to many business models is that the business/organization relies on a generic analysis of their resources instead of taking into account their specific product/market combination. The MFA is a museum, a school, a publisher, a retailer, a restaurateur, a film-theater, and more. Each demands unique research and analysis. A fusion of information would enable the MFA to establish an ongoing and effective strategic plan. Identification and discussion of three types of resources the MFA possesses with reference to the advantages of those resources. Three core resources (collections, audience, and exhibitions) and three supporting resources (facilities, financial, and organization) make the achievement of their strategic plan possible. Collections established a continued need to improve the quality of the collection, its management and care and provide electronic access to the collection. Audience included the need to engage, educate, and delight visitors as well as retain and expand the audience by better understanding the needs of their highly segmented target market. Special exhibitions entailed the creation of an exhibition schedule that met a variety of goals including an intellectual contribution, the attraction of visitors and revenue generation. Special-exhibition attendance is unpredictable and requires research to make reliable revenue forecasts. The supporting resources: Facilities focused specifically on enlarging and improving the museum. Financial reiterated the need for fiscal stability and fund-raising that would support facility expansion as well as other identified strategic needs. The MFA needs to maintain a balanced budget. Due to the American system of funding arts the MFA relies almost exclusively on private funding and its revenues come from memberships, admissions, sales of merchandise, restaurant food sales, school tuition, contributions, gifts and grants, and investments. The external relations group competes with other New England institutions for donations as well as educational institutions (Harvard) and area hospitals. Organization focuses on the adoption of an audience-aware, results-oriented, experimental attitude and realignment of the divisions within the MFA in order to support the strategic focus. This includes the MFA’s relationships with its customers, employees, donors and outside organizations; branding (which is directly related to mission and must be clear, specific, and not to be interpreted as a routine promise). The MFA needs to differentiate their purpose [other than to educate] from that of other museums. Their brand needs to be credible, meaningful and dependent upon a realistic mission statement. One type of resource that the organization needs to improve A significant issue for the museum is how to increase the visitor-experience in the museum. Research has revealed some key deficiencies in the visitor’s experience in the museum. Unique brand awareness challenges face the MFA because they are a non-profit multi-dimensional art institution with a highly segmented target market. The museum put together a cross-functional team that focused on initiatives related to orientation, customer service, on-site communications, and team undertook numerous initiatives to enhance the overall visitor experience of the MFA. Conclusion: why attendance is an important resource on which the MFA should focus. The museum’s will undoubtedly get focus and attract renewed attention in 2010 when the new wing opens but a continued strategy to improve core attendance is an ongoing priority. Critical questions remain: How does the MFA ensure continued, satisfactory visitor attendance? Continued education of their market, delivery on their mission and quality visitor experience. References Rangan, V. K. , Bell, M. (2005). Case 16. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. (pp. 530-557). Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Chiagouris, L. (2005). Article 13. Nonprofits can take Cues from the Biz World. Branding Roadmap Takes Shape. In Marketing Management Magazine. (September/October 2005, pp. 52-54). New York: Pace University’s Lubin School of Business. Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus. In Chapter 5 Lecture Notes. (2008). Thomson Learning Inc.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Euroland Foods SA Case Analysis
I. Introduction Euroland Foods Company was a publicly traded company since 1979. Theo Verdin founded the company in 1924 as a result in developing his dairy business. Euroland Foods Company saw itself as a multinational producer. The four products were high-quality ice cream, yogurt, bottled water, and fruit juices. Each product accounted for 60%, 20%, 10%, and 10% of the company’s revenue respectively. The company’s headquarters was in Brussels, Belgium. Since the day the company was founded, it has experienced steadily development. II. Background of Firm The board of directors of Euroland Foods Company had 12members. Three of them were the Verdin family, four of them were from the management, and the left five members came from outside. The combined Verdin family, the combined company executive, Venus Asset Management, and Banque du Bruges et des Pays Bas were the four biggest stockholders. Each had 20%, 10%, 12%, and 9% of the company’s shares outstanding respectively. Senior Management Committee was responsible for the capital budgeting and presenting it to the board of directors every year. Seven members, including five managing directors, one PDG, and one finance director, were on the committee. III. Statement of Situation Euroland Foods Company had two major problems comparing with its peers. One was the high debt-to-equity ratio, another one was the low price-to-earnings ratio. The debt-to-equity ratio was 125%, which made the Banque du Bruges, Euroland’s bank, could not keep silence. Banque du Bruges strongly pushed a debt reduction program to Euroland. No project could be financed if the leverage level was beyond the current debt-to-equity ratio. The lower the price-to-earnings ratio, the lower the stock price was. In this case, the Euroland’s stock price was lower than average of peers. At the current ratio 14, Euroland’s market value was below its book value. Euroland Foods Company failed in the trying of new product introduction. Its sales had been stopped since 1998. The creditor, Banque du Bruges, was worrying about the Euroland’s ability to pay its debt back. The one of the biggest stockholder, Venus Asset Management, was worrying about cutting off the dividends. IV. Constraints on Solution Due to the high debt-to-equity ratio, the board of directors decided to limit capital spending to EUR 120 million. There were eleven projects on the table, and up to total EUR 316 million. There was estimated minimum acceptable IRR and maximum acceptable payback years. (Table 1) V. Possible Solutions In order to increase the sales, Euroland Company has to choose projects wisely under the EUR 120 million budget limitation, minimum IRR limitation, and maximum payback period limitation. Net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period are the main measures Euroland Company used to analyze each project. According to Exhibit 3, project 1 replacement and expansion of the truck fleet, project 2 a new plant, project 3 expansion of a plant, project 4 development and roll-out of snack foods, and project 5plant automation and conveyor systems are eliminated for the over maximum acceptable payback period. The left projects are all considerable. The special project in this case is the effluent-water treatment at four plants. Because it belongs to the safety or environments category, there is no measurement yet. Euroland Company could see it as a future expenditure, and if Leyden was right, we can spend EUR 6 million today instead of EUR 15 million four year later. This project will save Euroland a lot in the future. (the saving amount equals to the net present value of EUR 15 million minus EUR 6 million) The project is going to be mandatory four year later. VI. Recommended Solution If I was on the board of directors, I would approve project 11, Acquisition of a leading schnapps brand and associated facilities, which is analyzed as project 10 on the Exhibit 3; project 7, Market expansion southward, which is analyzed as project 6 on the exhibit 3; and project 9, Development and introduction of new artificially sweetened yogurt and ice cream, which is analyzed as project 8 on the exhibit 3. The capital budget for the three projects are EUR 60 million, EUR 30 million, and EUR 27 million respectively, which give us the total EUR 117 million. We still have EUR 3 million can use, and I will propose to use it in the effluent-water treatment at four plants project. Although the project estimated cost is EUR 6 million, companies barely pay such a huge amount in one day. We can negotiate with the seller to come up a payment plan; in addition we need to make a deal which the first payment is not greater than EUR 3 million. Project 7 market expansions southward and project 8 market expansions eastward are similar, but I decided to approve project market expansions southward instead. Besides the higher net present value and internal of rate of return, the purchasing power is stronger and competition is less intense.
Friday, November 8, 2019
the American constitution essays
the American constitution essays The Federalist No. 10 by James Madison and The Tyranny of the Majority by Alexis de Tocqueville are two political papers which analyze some parts of the American constitution. Each of the authors have their own distinct thoughts on the constitution and they agree in some areas, and, differ drastically in others. To start, a topic that is touched upon in both of these documents was the fact that although it may not be in the best interest of the general public, the needs of the many will outweigh the needs of the few. This is also know as the concept of majority. Although Madison was trying to prove the constitution was a worthy government plan, he yet was honest in his Federalist No. 10. He knew that there would be drawbacks to the factions that were beginning to form. Yet, he was sure to sate the brighter side of the picture about the factions and how the government planned to limit the number of parties to prevent a non-majority. He also came to the conclusion that when a majority has been reached it has two options. First, the majority can continue being the winning argument and virtually control the minority. Or, if the majority sees fit, it can surrender it position of control and give the power to the minority therefore limiting the absolute power of the minority. Tocqueville on the other stated his views on the factions from the view of an unlimited faction republic. He wrote that majority was impossible with unlimited factions due to that they would be so numerous and inadequate in size for there to even be a chance for a majority. Another thing that Tocqueville had theorized was that if a government ran simply upon majority rule, there would be a great upset in the balance of law. There would be this upset due to that the majority would vote one way and there would be no other option on the subject. For example, a man killed an attempted murderer in self defense. Giving the majority the benefit of th...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Homeschool Stress
Homeschool Stress Homeschooling is a big responsibility and commitment. It can be stressful, but far too often we homeschooling parents make it more stressful than it has to be. Are you guilty of stressing out yourself or your kids unnecessarily with any of the following? Expecting Perfection Expecting perfection in yourself or your children is certain to put unnecessary stress on your family. If you’re transitioning from public school to homeschool, it’s important to remember that it takes time to adjust to your new roles. Even if your children have never attended a traditional school, transitioning to formal learning with young children requires a period of adjustment. Most veteran homeschooling parents would agree that this period of adjustment can take 2-4 years. Don’t expect perfection right out of the gate. You may be caught in the trap of expecting academic perfection. is a popular phrase among homeschooling parents. The idea is that you’ll stick with a topic, skill, or concept until it is completely mastered. You may hear homeschooling parents state that their children get straight A’s because they don’t move on until the skill is mastered. There is nothing wrong with that concept – in fact, being able to work on a concept until a child fully understands it is one of the benefits of homeschooling. However, expecting 100% from your child all of the time can be frustrating for you both. It doesn’t allow for simple mistakes or an off day. Instead, you may wish to decide on a percentage goal. For example, if your child scores 80% on his paper, he clearly understands the concept and can move on. If there is a certain type of problem that caused a grade less than 100%, spend some time going back over that concept. Otherwise, give yourself and your child the freedom to move on. Trying to Finish All the Books We homeschooling parents are also often guilty of operating under the assumption that we have to complete every single page of every piece of curriculum that we use. Most homeschool curricula contain enough material for a typical 36-week school year, assuming a 5-day school week. This doesn’t account for field trips, co-op, alternative schedules, illness, or a myriad of other factors that could result in not completing the entire book. It’s okay to finish most of the book. If the subject is one that is built on previously-learned concepts, such as math, chances are that the first several lessons of the next level are going to be review. In fact, that’s often one of my kids’ favorite aspects of starting a new math book – it seems easy at first because it’s material they’ve already learned. If it’s not a concept-based subject – history, for example - chances are, you’ll come back around to the material again before your kids graduate. If there is material that you feel you simply must cover and you’re clearly not going to have time, you may want to consider skipping around in the book, dropping some of the activities, or covering the material in a different way, such as listening to an audiobook on the topic while running errands or watching an engaging documentary during lunch.​ Homeschooling parents may also be guilty of expecting their child to complete every problem on every page. Most of us can probably remember how happy we were when one of our teachers told us to complete only the odd-numbered problems on the page. We can do that with our children. Comparing Whether you’re comparing your homeschool to your friend’s homeschool (or to the local public school) or your kids to someone else’s kids, the comparison trap puts everyone under unnecessary stress. The problem with comparison is that we tend to compare our worst to someone else’s best. That causes self-doubt as we focus on all the ways we don’t measure up rather than capitalizing on what we’re going well. If we want to produce cookie-cutter kids, what’s the point of homeschooling? We can’t tout individualized instruction as a homeschool benefit, then get upset when our kids aren’t learning exactly what someone else’s kids are learning. When you’re tempted to compare, it helps to look at the comparison objectively. Is this something your child should probably know or be doing?Is it something that would benefit your homeschool?Is it a good fit for your family?Is your child physically, emotionally, or developmentally capable of performing this task or accomplishing this skill? Sometimes, comparing helps us identify skills, concepts, or activities that we would like to incorporate in our homeschools, but if it’s something that doesn’t benefit your family or your student, move on. Don’t let unfair comparisons add stress to your home and school. Not Allowing Your Homeschool to Evolve We may start out as staunchly school-at-home parents, but later learn that our educational philosophy is more in line with Charlotte Mason. We may begin as radical unschoolers only to discover that our children prefer textbooks. It is not uncommon for a family’s homeschooling style to change over time, becoming more relaxed as they get more comfortable with homeschooling or becoming more structured as their children grow older. Allowing your homeschool to evolve is normal and positive. Trying to hold on to methods, curricula, or schedules that no longer make sense for your family will likely put undue stress on you all. Homeschooling comes with its own set of stress-inducers. Theres no need to add more to it. Let go of unrealistic expectations and unfair comparisons, and let your homeschool adapt as your family grows and changes.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Dormant Roots and the Open Faces of Crime Essay
The Dormant Roots and the Open Faces of Crime - Essay Example This has resulted in a plethora of theories, which has been relegated as obsolete information. Christian thought stressed the personal responsibility in wrongdoing and the gateway to return from the path of wrong is repentance, the aim of which is the ultimate salvation of the individual soul. Till the end of the eighteenth century the study of criminal interest was the domain, chiefly of reformers. 19th century witnessed more attempts to study crime as a science, which has to be studied with the tools of experimentation and statistical evidence to arrive at objective scientific conclusions. The early flowering of the study of crime took many directions in a somewhat phased manner over the course of time finally in the past two decades blossomed in to overabundance of theories due to a host of divergent and complementary movements. Today's world is postmodern, multicultural, post -Marxian, post-feminist and post-structural. After the death-knell of many movements that appeared on the social life of modern societies with great fanfare, people have discarded simplistic notions of life and are more prepared to appreciate the reality of the complexities of social behaviour. The traditional one-dimensional explanations of crime and its prevention, which visualized human beings and societies in to watertight compartments is hardly convincing today. While the old school had glimpses of truth, the analysis and conclusions are inadequate and do not consider some of the essential factors before pronouncing their verdicts on the roots of crime and its expressions. The present day scholarship across the world is demanding a more integrated approach to the study of criminal behaviour and its reduction. A significant work of early days of criminology, The Criminal Man, 1876, by the Italian scholar Lombroso asserted that criminals are separate physical and biological type. His over simplistic identification of the criminal type are based on physical traits, like a long lower jaw, asymmetric cranium and a few other external detectable conditions. These traits according to him indicated an inherent propensity to crime. He taught that the propensity toward crime was due to a primitive level of human development, which asserts atavistic tendencies. Lombroso's theories now enjoys only the value of a historic curiosity as their formulation have not been accompanied enough research and statistical data analysis so as to be recognized as theories of universal applicability. The study was conducted in a limited geographic frame. The study was conducted on people who get convicted, comparing them with people who are free. Even in the modern days of sophisticated crime tracking the number of people who get arrested are very few and among them most of them are acquitted due to the loopholes of law. Gault quotes Garofalo who says: The fact is well known that not the half of those guilty of established crimes are brought to justice (94). So one may be weighing against criminals and non-criminals, with criminals, or criminals in jail with unapprehended criminals. Gault while admiring Lombroso, as a trailer blazer in the infancy of criminology, derides his simplistic conclusions in a most complex behaviour of humans. Lombroso's was a too s imple formulation of an extraordinarily complex problem (94). Lombros's theories were accepted also by
Friday, November 1, 2019
Women's Health. Health Care Disparity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Women's Health. Health Care Disparity - Essay Example Healthcare disparities exist in both public and private sectors. Various kinds of socio-economic factors contribute to the existence of healthcare disparities like inadequate access to care to some group of people, poor quality of care to some individuals, etc. Community features and behaviors at personal level also contribute to these disparities. It is generally found that people who belong to ethnic or racial minority groups, or individuals with mental or physical impairment or disabilities, or women may face health care disparities. Very often healthcare disparities exist between rural and urban areas. (Mead, 2008) Part B) Explain why some women (in general) may face barriers to health care. Of course, over the decades significant progress have been made in women’s health. However, still health status of women on average is not as good as of men. Not only that, but healthcare disparities exists among women as well. Different sub-groups of women get different types of acces s to care and quality of care also varies across different subgroups of women. (Mead, 2008) There are a number of reason for which some women face healthcare disparities compared to men and other groups of women as well.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The propinquity of exploratory history and anecdotal history Essay
The propinquity of exploratory history and anecdotal history - Essay Example History can never express the last word, as it must be revamped, reevaluated with the expansion of new encounters and new viewpoints (Hall and Du Gay, p 12). Today Aristotle's perceptions are acknowledged with some reservation. In the event that history is the past's vocalization, then it contacts us through various types of determined realities that must rely on upon memory, and memory by nature approves vacuity (Adhikari, p. 45). Regardless of the historiographers' honorable endeavors in the nineteenth century, it has not been conceivable to separate all ties from narrating. The rebuilding activity of the past is as much a demonstration of creative ability as it is of recognition. Conceivable reports should be made to connect clear crevices. This is not an assault of history, but rather a liberal demonstration to give believability and congruity to it. The effect of history is at last through words. Be that as it may, words never introduce total implications; words keep on changing in connection to different words. An artistic student of history more than an exploratory antiquarian is persuaded of the obstinacy and delicacy of reality spoke to through words. Energy about the scholarly parts of history adds new measurements to our comprehension of it (Adhikari, p. 46). History can never be absolutely target as the antiquarian's subjective judgment is unequivocal (Adhikari, p. 48). The antiquarian has the privilege to request that in this appreciation he is not judged uniquely in contrast to the craftsman.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Target age groups Essay Example for Free
Target age groups Essay Magazines are there as entertainment purpose and also to give information if one is interested on a specific topic like `Auto Trader which is aimed at a readership that is interested in buying cars or `Elle which is a fashion magazine. I wanted to investigate how the language varies in magazines aimed at females in different age groups and I plan to investigate this by getting magazines and analyzing a text to find common and different linguistical features like the semantic, lexical, grammatical and pragmatic choices used in the magazines to attract the target audience. The three magazines I shall be using are `Elle, `Sugar and `Go Girl which are all aimed at different readerships. I carried out a survey to find out the age group range for all three magazines. I think I shall find that the `Elle magazine uses less informal vocabulary, and has long complex sentences as the readership have a greater understanding and are more developed in their vocabulary than the target audience for `Sugar and `Go Girl who are still developing their vocabulary. Another difference I think I may find is the exclusive lexis used in `Sugar as it is aimed at teenagers who tend to use a lot of slang. In `Go Girl I feel that I shall find the sentences will be short and simple and the vocabulary will also be simple. This could be because the readers of this magazine are young girls who may find it difficult to understand long complicated sentences and have not yet come across such complex words and are still developing their vocabulary. Methodology: The three magazines I took into consideration are: `Elle which is supposed to be the worlds best-selling fashion magazine as stated on the magazine is the first magazine I chose in my investigation . It is a magazine for those who want to know how to look beautiful sophisticated and be up-to date on the latest trends and fashion. `Sugar which is said to be Britains best-selling girls magazine as it says on the cover is the second magazine I chose to use for my investigation. It is aimed at teenage girls but does not have a specific purpose like `Elle which is a fashion magazine. `Sugar is a magazine with articles on everything from clothes to music, make-up, gossip and problem pages. The last magazine is called `Go Girl which is aimed at a younger female readership is also like `Sugar which has articles girls like to read about such as what is going on in the lives of famous popstars? , fashion, gossip and other articles. First I got the same month issue for all three magazines, that is the July issue and carried out a survey on the target audience by asking girls what age group would read the three magazines. From my survey `Elle is found to be aimed at an audience from eighteen years and upwards, `Sugar is aimed at thirteen to seventeen year olds and `Go Girl for ages eight to twelve. Then I took the same type of article from all three magazines i. e. the monthly Horoscopes and decided to analyze the different linguistic features like Latinate words, colloquial words, slang words, clippings/abbreviations, the types of sentences and pragmatics. Analysis: Lexis This is to do with the choice of vocabulary used. Ive divided this section into Latinate words, colloquial words, slang words and clippings/abbreviations. The choices of lexis in all three magazines are found to be different, as there is a difference in the ages of the readership. However there are similarities in the lexis because the text I have used from all three magazines are on the same topic. The words used in Horoscopes are personal, tend to appeal to ones emotions and convey opinions on ones life. This could be because the purpose of horoscopes is to predict what will happen in the future and try to guide people on what they should do to improve their life or to avoid doing something wrong. So there will be some similarities like the use of nouns and adjective as well as the words semantically linked to astrology and time (which is also linked to astrology)(as shown in diagram1 and 2). Latinate words These are words that are derived from Latin and are usually used in texts that are important like in legal documents or in texts that are for an audience who are educated to show either importance, authority, intelligence or sophistication. I took two sections from all three articles randomly (around 120 words) and listed the number of Latinate words found in each. I found that in the first text from `Elle magazine there were more Latinate words used than in the other two. (as shown in the table 1 in appendix).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Pros and Cons of the Euro :: Finances Money European Currency Essays
Pros and Cons of the Euro The United Kingdom will not join the single European currency with the first wave of countries on 1 January 1999. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, said in October that, although the government supported the principle of the single currency, Britain would not be ready to join at least until the second wave of countries join in 2002. He added that the UK should, however, begin to prepare for monetary union. There are many possible advantages and disadvantages that the government had to consider: Advantages: 1. A single currency should end currency instability in the participating countries (by irrevocably fixing exchange rates) and reduce it outside them. Because the Euro would have the enhanced credibility of being used in a large currency zone, it would be more stable against speculation than individual currencies are now. An end to internal currency instability and a reduction of external currency instability would enable exporters to project future markets with greater certainty. This will unleash a greater potential for growth. 2. Consumers would not have to change money when travelling and would encounter less red tape when transferring large sums of money across borders. It was estimated that a traveller visiting all twelve member states of the (then) EC would lose 40% of the value of his money in transaction charges alone. Once in a lifetime a family might make one large purchase or transaction across a European border such as buying a holiday home or a piece of furniture. A single currency would help that transaction pass smoothly. 3. Likewise, businesses would no longer have to pay hedging costs which they do today in order to insure themselves against the threat of currency fluctuations. Businesses, involved in commercial transactions in different member states, would no longer have to face administrative costs of accounting for the changes of currencies, plus the time involved. It is estimated that the currency cost of exports to small companies is 10 times the cost to the multi-nationals, who offset sales against purchases and can command the best rates. 4. A single currency should result in lower interest rates as all European countries would be locking into German monetary credibility. The stability pact (the main points of which were agreed at the Dublin summit of European heads of state or government in December 1996) will force EU countries into a system of fiscal responsibility which will enhance the Euro's international credibility.
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